Thursday, October 6, 2016

10/4/16 (previous days are coming!!)

  1. 10/4/16
    1. Today is a crazy day! First up E&M, which is tedious. I open up a big Wikipedia chain on math and zone out.
    2. Walk to the Bean and Bagel with Eric, Spencer, Brianna, get myself a cheap bagel, very good.
    3. Quantum is exciting. Prof. Cobden gives us a list of postulates which deal directly with wavefunctions, different formulation than Feynman. Cool links to math I’ve seen before, plus some of the stuff I was reading about in E&M.
    4. Head to SPS lounge, hang out for a bit, walk up the Ave to get Open House groceries with Frank. On way run into Jasper from 33x, he tries to get me to take 390p, which he’s TAing.
    5. Once back, realize Kyle failed to get enough balloons for our balloon stomp game. Think for a minute, where to get balloons; stroke of genius--or so I think--says call the RSO (student club) resources office. They do have balloons; I run over there, turns out I can only get 16 balloons a day :( WTF?! But I get to learn about their awesome poster-printing printer and other resources. the friendly girl recommends the dollar store for balloons, I smack my head and take off running.
    6. Get 75 balloons for $3, back to lounge, start frantically writing up name tags with famous physicist names and sci-fi-characters, and blowing up balloons. Go ham delegating both tasks, as the time grows nigh the whole lounge comes together in common purpose.
    7. We start the Open House in one of the big auditoriums, I direct people over from the SPS lounge.
    8. We must have had 50 people, 10+ freshmen. All 12 of our pizzas are consumed. I get to mingle and introduce people. Brianna and Spencer and Xin show up. Announcements with the officers go really well, for the most part; I’m getting really comfortable onstage. Frank forgets to introduce Hira, our treasurer, though; which really bothers me because she’s the only girl on our officer team.
    9. Balloon stomp game is a big hit, people really get into it. Kyle’s demos also draw a crowd.
    10. Meanwhile, outside, celebration is occurring for the Nobel Prize awarded to a retired UW prof. I have no time to stick around and help clean, I run to Creating a Company. Catch the tail end of a talk, hang around and have tea with Prof. Leong and some students, then I have to run to Glee.

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