Wednesday, October 12, 2016


  1. 10/11/16
    1. Woke up bright and early to finish quantum homework. Got stuck on the last problem, had to go to class :( Class was good though. I had to correct two mistakes Prof. Cobden made writing stuff down which would have been confusing if not rectified :)
    2. Went back to 2104, made 3 sandwiches, one for me and 2 for Future Spencer.
    3. Met Dimir, Li, Zoltan in Paccar. We struggled trying to come up with a business idea. I’m glad that at the least we are picky. Listed out our resources and skills, but didn’t help much.
    4. Worked on StatMech hw for a while. Then CaC class. Good class, mostly a lecture from Alan and then Q&A. Arranged a meeting with Raustin, who fortunately didn’t get sucked into the other team (since they pitched a lame “better water bottle” idea).
    5. Between CaC and Glee, ran to CS building for the first meeting of the reconstituted UW Effective Altruism club. (They needed 5 members to form, so Ethan told me to come.) Issa was there, but I didn’t have much time to catch up.
    6. Glee rehearsal was kinda tough, I wasn’t getting the hang of our new music.
    7. Walk back to 2104, grab Brandon for a good dinner at Som Tam. Get another bubble tea from that awesome new place.
    8. Work on StatMech homework, finish. Go through email and messages. Molly comes in and we chat for a while about upcoming Dubhacks ideas. She has to apply to Google, (her dream job as a UX designer) in the next 5 days, so she says it’s going to be tough, but she’s still doing DubHacks because if she wins it’ll look really good.
    9. Downstairs (Xin’s sleeping). Short conversation with Lisa, write this log.

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