Monday, October 10, 2016

10/9/16: Relaxing Sunday

  1. 10/9/16
    1. Woke up VERY late. Did some work/email. Went to indian buffet with Brandon, was delicious.
    2. Return, work on quantum hw a little bit with Brandon, go to UW soccer game with Brandon. Xin almost comes but he instead goes to dinner with Demi and other friends.
    3. Game is exciting and the level of play is incredible.
    4. Back to 2104, shower, laundry. Eat some of Xin’s leftovers for dinner, watch a bit of the presidential debate with Xin and Evan.
    5. More work on quantum homework, etc. Install the safety rail on my bunk (finally!), and, to my great delight, figure out how to make it so I can slide my chair under my desk (namely, remove the armrests with my allen wrench).
    6. Write this log and hit the hay.

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