Wednesday, April 1, 2015

UW Update Tuesday 3/31/15 (Day 2)

a.     UW Update Tuesday 3/31/15 (Day 2)
                                                 i.     No classes for me today! Lay in bed reading my physics book, then did some physics homework. Spent time answering email and responding to a HFS survey. Spent yet more time setting up lunch meetups for the rest of the week.
                                               ii.     Walking to lunch, I ran into Stella from my education class, then Eleanor. Eleanor had just declared a major in Comparative History of Ideas and was considering double-majoring in Informatics after enjoying CSE 142. She was deservedly basking in her solid declared-major status.
                                              iii.     Ran into Chase at lunch and talked for a bit.
                                              iv.     Returned to dorm and did more physics homework.
                                               v.     Met Issa for Frisbee on Denny Field. We played for about half an hour when the heavens opened their floodgates and rained obscene amounts of hail down upon us and some hapless soccer players.
                                              vi.     Returned to dorm, ate a quick snack and started reading Gwern’s essay on homelessness that Issa had recommended. It was a bit dark and scary—here was a portrait of a smart and deeply introspective man, suffering a crisis of motivation, subjecting himself to extreme resource paucity through a tangled mix of apathy and experimental curiosity.
                                            vii.     Went to Glee Club and grabbed an add code. Started learning some new songs, which look pretty interesting. One of them has absolutely crazy rhythm.
                                           viii.     Returned to dorm and did more physics hw.
                                              ix.     Grabbed dinner at the 8. Ran into Raymond.
                                               x.     Returned to the lounge and spent the next 3.5 hours in conversation, first with Eleanor, Jamie, and Brianna, (+Alex and Micah), then with Chase and Donovan.
Returned to room, wrote this log, and retired my consciousness. 

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