Sunday, July 10, 2016

Days of Summer Backlog >> 6/22/16 (AlphaTech and Park Day Return)

a.     Wednesday:
                                                 i.     First day at Alpha Tech. Get there 8:30, wait for a bit in the lobby, then a safety orientation. Nothing that can really hurt me in the engineering cubicles :P
                                               ii.     Meet the dude I’m working with, a rising senior at Western named Ross. He’s super excited to be working at a real software company, which is good, but I think he might be prone to uncritically accept some of Alpha’s weirder, more corporate practices.
                                              iii.     Ross shows me a bit of what he’s been working on—he’s been there a week, but still doesn’t seem to have a super crisp idea of what’s going on. Don’t get me wrong—the guy is competent—but it’s a confusing environment J
                                              iv.     Mike Koepp, Heidi’s dad, who is (awesomely) supervising us, then tries to give me a very brief overview of what I’m doing. Then he hits me with 400 pages of technical manuals, coding standards, etc. J
                                               v.     Some of the manuals are relevant, some not—it takes me a bunch of scraping before I manage to figure out we’re only working on the transponder component of the power supply.
                                              vi.     Manage to catch Mike for a tour of the labs where the actual devices are tested. Get some big-picture stuff about the device which I’ll probably never use but I ought to know.
                                            vii.     Keep reading, looking at bash scripts with Ross. I guess I have some idea? What’s going on…
                                           viii.     Big picture what we’re doing: automating the build-deploy-test process for two firmware codebases running on a diagnostics transponder in Alpha’s main product, a cable power supply. Little picture what we’re doing (at least until I figure out the better way that obviously exists): hand-altering directory names in a bunch of bash build/make scripts.
                                              ix.     Get picked up for Park Day! Serious triumphant return. Everyone runs over, lots of hugs and high fives. Make a solid effort to learn the names of the new little kids.
                                               x.     We play Banana Flag, which, if you don’t know, is a cross between Capture the Flag and finger fencing (aka Banana Tag). Great game. I’m gasping and winded at the end of it J
                                              xi.     Continue with Flyers Up. I crush everyone pretty solidly at that, at least until they get annoyed enough to start working at it :P Blow a hole in the side of my shoe.
                                            xii.     Once that dies out, end up playing touch football with a tenacious little dude named Caleb, Simian, and a random non-PD fellow. Finish out the day by shinnying halfway up a thick pine tree, which I never used to be able to do (pushups FTW!) and then getting squashed by Summer and Lucas and Summer’s dog.
                                           xiii.     Take Lucas and his mom Michelle home, then we go home ourselves.

                                           xiv.     Aand I honestly don’t remember what happened after that—a haze of playing with secret, food, watching goofy videos with Izzy and Dad… Oh! I start teaching myself guitar—find this website called JamPlay. Then we watch half of this movie called Brooklyn.

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