Sunday, July 17, 2016

Days of Summer >> 7/16/16

  1. 7/16/16
    1. Quick entry for today!
    2. Wake up late, hauled off to Bagels. Good conversation--get in the spirit of people analysis. And a great butter day--for those uninitiated, this is when the Bagelry capriciously bestows us with larger sides of butter than average.
    3. Boffing! People show up who I haven’t seen in a year, and everyone is in a buoyant and social mood. The clan battles are really spirited, like they were when I first started to show up, and Taco Laser cleans up :)
    4. Hang out and play until nearly 5.
    5. Return home, read and mess around with guitar.
    6. Chef salad for dinner, yum!
    7. More reading, short bike ride, watch Simpsons and browse Kottke with family. Take a contemplative walk, whereupon I try to figure out how to stop being annoyed at myself for little inefficiencies, and how to avoid seeing opportunity as a duty of action.
    8. I settle on Johan’s light, detached, carve-out-a-space-for-me-to-do-this-fun-thing attitude--at least for those lesser things where I can afford not to go the full desperate headlong scramble after truth and neutral sharp clarity. Analogous to my resolution not to eschew anger entirely, but to reserve it for deserving circumstances, analogous to a resolution I made in math not to worry about justifying small logical steps as a means to avoid thinking hard about how to justify the more complicated ones… I call this general pattern the Creed of Low-Hanging Fruit.
    9. Return, put on some jammin’ tunes, and fold laundry. Then write this log. Then crash in preparation for family trip tomorrow. Night!

1 comment:

  1. joan0716@sbcglobal.netJuly 26, 2016 at 2:32 PM

    Enjoying everyone of your blogs. They make us smile- -and ponder. J & T
