Friday, April 29, 2016


  1. 4/28/16
    1. Math
    2. Physics group meeting! Entered in all the data we gathered last week into mathematica, and learned a lot about the Magneto-Optical Trap (MOT) the lab uses. The MOT is a super nifty device--I couldn’t help myself from grinning as we went through how it works. All this crazy laser zapping -> transitions -> momentum transfer stuff.
    3. Ran over to other physics building, made lunchbox posters, put them up.
    4. Grabbed lunch and went to global trends class. Another very interesting class--”led” the discussion on Ch.5, but typically how this works is you ask like 1 interesting question and then the rest of the class and Raj just go off on tangents for an hour :D I asked what advantages existing multinationals have over emerging-market players with more local knowledge and cost structure advantage. It seems like (obviously) access to global resources, capital and talent, interesting examples Raj gave about big multinationals being essentially called in by countries as sources of capital and resources. Poor emerging markets can’t originate this stuff from nothing :D
    5. Sat outside and did math for 2.5 hours. Basically finished the hw--was kind of astounded.
    6. Glee!
    7. Went to Swing board game night that Alex had absolutely insisted I attend. But turns out she had way too much calc hw--the irony :D Had fun playing the game Coup with Eleonore and a bunch of strategy geeks.
    8. From there back to Haggett, studied for physics exam, caught up on some email (physics peer tutoring is finally about to start!) Decided to sleep before starting CS.

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