Monday, April 11, 2016


  1. 4/10/16
    1. Today I went back to Bellingham on the Bolt Bus for my younger sister’s (Z) birthday, then returned to Seattle in the same manner. The jetsetting lifestyle!
    2. Woke, hiked across campus to the new light rail station by the stadium. Went down 3 flights of escalators and boarded just in time (or so I thought; we sat there for like 5 minutes boarding late arrivals, atypical for the rail, probably because we’re the last/first stop). Met Curtis who used to be in glee and his dad, who were going to a comicon.
    3. Trip on the Bolt after getting to the intl district was easy, slept.
    4. Arrived, Mom was making breakfast, played with Secret, sung a few songs with Z. Mike was outside with the backhoe. Idyllic breakfast.
    5. Finished thermal physics homework after much wrangling with annoying mistakes, then took sisters to the beach at Boulevard. Z was taking photos as M and I tossed a stick for Secret into the deep water.
    6. Returned when Secret was tired, did some cleaning, ran an errand with M.
    7. Wrapped gift for Z--a glass I won at the Regional Meeting, that was originally a gift for physics graduates. Made out of the bottom of a wine bottle and inscribed with UW Physics Department. Wrote out a passage by Feynman I remembered on the wrapping (bottom paragraph of  if you’re interested)
    8. J and Ncame over, fun talking with J about the start of his quarter and joshing with N ; we did some boffing, then dinner, gifts, cake. Dad dropped me off at Cordata and I bused back to Seattle. Met two girls from Haggett on the bus, one of which on the pre-veterinarian track, which is apropos (this is Alex’s probable aspiration). Chatted for a while. Both stressed out from all the Pre-Med weed-out stuff.
    9. Arrived early, LR’d back to Haggett without incident. Hung out in the lounge for a bit, then hit my CS hw. Finished the Monday exercise, wrote this log, and hit the hay!

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