Sunday, November 22, 2015

11/19/15: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World


  1. Most of the day is normal. I do math with Issa and Peter, have classes, work on CS homework, hang out with my SPS buddies, have Glee Club, go to the dance audition for Urinetown after Glee Club, which is really hard because I can't learn quickly, but kinda fun. I finish up CS homework.
  2. Then I go out with Xin and boffer. We have a great time. Until...
  3. Xin stands up on a rock, I try to jump up on the rock to attack him. I trip--still not sure how--and fall. Normally my hands would have protected me. But somehow my hands reach out to either side of the rock (this is the only way I think this could have happened) and the rock punches me in the face. Right in the upper teeth, precisely. 
  4. It doesn't hurt. Not really. It tingles like mad, and I can tell I'm bleeding. I reach up and feel, and I calmly realize that, crap, this is not good. One tooth is quite loose, and several others are chipped. 
  5. Xin and I start walking towards Hall Health, hoping it's still open, when we run into a bunch of floormates. I try to talk as little as possible to avoid dislodging the loose tooth, but the situation is communicated successfully :) My floormates take me back to Haggett, where they, very kindly, call a campus police officer to take me over to the UW Medical Center ER.
  6. The officer shows up after about 10 minutes, even though he's not supposed to give rides for non-life-threatening medical things. He takes Xin (who, unfortunately and completely incorrectly, feels culpable for the whole debacle) and I down to the ER. 
  7. We wait for nearly two hours, but it doesn't feel completely dehumanizing :) I make friends with a couple of the personnel. Eventually the emergency dentist, who is fortunately in residence, sits me down. He cleans everything up, pumps my upper lip full of anaesthetic, jams the loose tooth back in place, and binds everything together with a splint. Meanwhile, Xin is taking pictures for some presentation on dental trauma the dentist is going to give :)
  8. We get a prescription mouthwash and some overkill painkiller which I'm not going to need, and walk back to Haggett at around 5am. I give up on finishing math homework and crash hard. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, wow! I'm glad everything turned out okay! I heard pieces of the story from Mary and Gloria a few days ago, but not the whole thing. I hope everything goes okay and you have a great Thanksgiving!

    Also, aren't the girls' haircuts great? I really love Izzy's.
