Wednesday, January 7, 2015

UW Update Wednesday Jan. 07

1.     UW Update Wednesday Jan. 07
a.     Didn’t sleep very well due to sore throat.
b.     Showered, ate breakfast in the 8 with Eleanor.
c.      Went to physics, discussed more electrostatics and characteristics of dipoles.
d.     Decided to take a nap to combat the sore throat. Headed back to the dorm, picking up some cough drops at Hall Health on the way back which helped.
e.     Slept for a hour and a half. Went to my research seminar 1-credit class at 12:30. Should be fun—get a chance to interview a researcher and hear from several more in class.
f.      Immediately following rushed to teaching class. We discussed the reading by Freire, talked about our upcoming assignment (to teach an imaginary group of middle-schoolers percentages using the ideas of Freire) then broke into small groups and tried to answer some open-ended questions. Fun class!
g.     Ate lunch at HUB—delicious first slices of Pagliacci’s of the qtr—then headed to the Ave. Picked up reading compilation for cow class from copy shop, then grabbed black binder for Glee Club from the bookstore. Met Rachel from Go club on the way, and we chatted a bit. Her graduate school applications had met with acceptance from Harvard and Princeton(!)
h.     Returned to the dorm, studied.
i.       Ate dinner with Jamie.
j.       Studied some more.
k.     Hung out with Xin for a bit. Realized that his arrival in our room paralleled the time at home when I, studying for Whatcom classes, was usually called down by my sisters for some family time, to watch an episode of a TV show. Seems like something analogous could be organized here.

l.       Brushed teeth, wrote log, went to bed.

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