Wednesday, January 21, 2015

UW Update 1/20/15

1.     UW Update 1/20/15
a.     This was an awesome day. I crammed in lots of activities and still managed to do some interesting physics. Everything seemed to click, in a weird way.
b.     I woke up, breakfasted heartily at the 8, went to History of Cows class. We covered Egypt.
c.      Talked a bit with my partner for our upcoming presentation, on Maasai cattle culture. She was uber-prepared and had already done significant research (she admitted this was weakness of hers); I borrowed a few books from her that she had checked out to read.
d.     Headed to HUB and ate lunch. Joined some Honors CS students, one from my hall, I hadn’t had much occasion to talk to: Maddie, Katie, and Diana.
e.     Did physics.
f.      Went to CS advising hours, talked about CS application. No major surprises; looks like I should get in.
g.     Walked to the Ave and hunted through various consignment stores for a black blazer, white dress shirt for Glee Club. Found them.
h.     Returned to dorm, ate snack, did more physics hw. Headed to Glee Club. Actually sang pretty well—familiarity with songs combined with slightly honed music-reading-guessing ability and practice singing high to boost my accuracy and tone.
i.       Ate quick pizza at 8 while reading book on Maasai.
j.       Headed to Salsa Club for last intro lesson. Actually learned moves that had been lost in the complexity last quarter. It was fun, and for once, not ridiculously hard.
k.     Grabbed groceries, paper towel, etc. from District Market.
l.       Headed back to dorm, and did physics hw for 3-4 hours, with interruptions from Chris, Xin, and a trip to Rick’s. Put on Spotify Peter Hollens radio with my newly functioning Spotify.

m.   Wrote log and went to bed late (1:30 L)

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