Tuesday, January 6, 2015

UW Update Tuesday Jan. 06

1.     UW Update Tuesday Jan. 06
a.     Woke at 9:45, bleary despite much sleep. Showered, brushed teeth, walked to Denny Hall where my history of cows class was taught. Arrived early, encountered several people who I knew from the dorms; Noah and Mei, and Hannah, who had recently relocated to Hansee.
b.     Talked about categories of modern human-animal relations, then segued into cave art. I like the professor—he’s a lecturer, which should be interesting, because he plans to encourage a lot of class participation like in other Honors classes.
c.      Asked Hannah if she had a class immediately following this; the answer was negative, so we walked to the HUB for lunch. I got green curry and garlic naan. Hannah’s order, a pork sandwich, took a long time to arrive and required her to reorder. When it finally arrived, and we went to sit outside, I realized that they had confused my garlic naan with her sandwich, leaving us with two sandwiches and one curry.
d.     Chatted, about cows, OCD tendencies, and food, and ate; Hannah left for her class, and I went back to the dorm and studied. Organized what I had to do, then worked for ed class.
e.     Chase had invited me to spar with him, so at 3:00 I went down to Denny Field and we boffered for about an hour.
f.      Studied more. At 5:00 went to the Music building to check out the Glee Club. The director was very friendly and exuded competence, and everyone I met was friendly. I enjoyed singing, though my inability to read sheet music made jumping in tricky. I plan to enroll in the Glee Club “class”, and do some music reading tutorials on YouTube or something.
g.     Studied for 20min, then rolled to the 8 and ate my Tuesday tacos with Jamie. Talked about our classes, and collectively ranted about the Chinese restaurant in the HUB where Jamie had repeatedly encountered hard grains of rice that ruined his mouthfuls.
h.     Returned to the dorm and settled down, finishing my reading for the teaching class and doing the reading for physics.
i.       Took a short walk.

j.       Brushed my teeth and wrote this log. Went to bed.

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