Saturday, August 6, 2016

Days of Summer >> 8/6/16 (A Good Return)

    1. Wake up early in the morning, car clock reads 6:01. I see orange on the horizon and think I’m going to, finally, see the sunset. Nope! Turns out the sun rose at 4 :P. Go back to sleep.
    2. Rest of the drive is uneventful. Lots more differential equations. Cool formulations of reversibility and conservativeness. Get to chat with Izzy about math, show her a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem, what differential equations are, and more! Conversation with Dad about how to mobilize people, like the refugees in Greece, who are bored out of their minds, to better their own circumstances. Is it bureaucracy holding them back? The nature of the social structure? Also, a bizarre podcast about a guy who records himself, whose life appears to have no real significance.
    3. Get to Iowa. Feel very relaxed and comfortable in everyone’s company. Delicious dinner, chicken piccata. Grandpa tells some goofy stories and promises more to come when he’s less sober (something about a hog-containment contract?). Libby and Rosie are both much grown, Libby has a boyfriend, who I barely get to meet. Quincy comes back late in purple scrubs, looking a bit affected by a traumatic car accident whose aftermath he’s just seen in the ER--had to put a kid across from where his brother had died :(
    4. Play ping-pong with J&N for a long time. Good conversation with Joseph about the Magic neural net :) Write this log, shower off the dust of the road, and hit the hay!

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