Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Days of Summer >> 6/30/16

  1. 6/30/16
    1. One of my best working days today. Spend the whole day working on a command line interface to our build setup.
      1. Found a command line parser library that was very well documented.
      2. Figured it out, did a basic test.
      3. Then fleshed out the whole interface structure. Took me a long time to get my parsing classes the way I wanted them, but once I finally did the library handled all the usage screens for me in a really nice way.
      4. Went out to lunch with Adam and Ross. For some reason, we decided to go to a new burger place in Fairhaven. It was expensive but good (aioli sauce ftw!) and the vintage road warrior memorabilia was entertaining. I think the waitress had a group-crush on us fresh young interns :)
      5. Returned to Alpha, scrunched in the back seat of Ross’s pickup.
      6. Worked on my custom error-checking and reporting code. I really think I came up with a beautiful framework for doing this, so that when I get back to work Thursday it will be all go-time!
      7. Ended up working late, got home around 6 :D
    2. Hung out with Dad for a bit, ate a mango :D
    3. Took a bike ride. Tooled around some interesting neighborhoods between Northwest and Marine. On the way back, hugged the water-side boundary of the hoods and ended up down a road leading to Birchwood!
    4. Boneheadedly posted a photo of my shiny new visa to Instagram. Took it off soon after to ward off identity thieves. Looks awesome, but you can’t see it.
    5. Dinner with Dad and "I".
    6. Mom picked up Isabel for the third night in a row (Monica and Beth are chillng in Cabo) and we watched an episode of Pride and Prejudice.
    7. Spent basically the rest of the night doing research on flights to China, hotels (may have a night of layover in Shanghai, which would be crazy!). Pretty entertaining stuff. The price disparities between relatively commensurate hotels are striking; there must be a wide range of elasticities among different groups on the demand side. came through--no other hotels site was even close! Found a sweet room for $14 and booked :)
    8. Wrote this log and I’m out of this state of consciousness! Let’s blow this waking popsicle stand gentlefolks!

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