Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Days of Summer >> 8/9/16

  1. 8/9/16
    1. Finally ate one of those delicious cinnamon bagels for breakfast.
    2. Ping pong with Noah.
    3. Lunch, awesome steak sandwich, the Markhams come over. End up playing Zombies with the cousins, kinda fun, last game I end up playing really well.
    4. We go to the Railroad Museum! Never been there before. A group of enthusiasts somehow assembled a comprehensive collection of train cars and artifacts, on the site of a repair hub for the old Milwaukee Road railroad. They had an operating roundhouse, a rotating traincar-sized platform for routing trains into working bays. Plus a model-train replica of Sioux City. My favorite part was the bewildering array of valves in the engine car. Lots of fun!
    5. Early dinner, burgundy beef :) Been a bit plagued with anomie for the past couple of days, some of it stemming from the slow environment, but it was oddly comforting to watch the cousins digging into egg noodles :D Good conversation with izzy on what, exactly, the think-therefore-I-am argument allows you to conclude.
    6. Blew up all the bike tires but got sucked into a game of Carcassonne before I could ride. Then we watched olympics for a while, interesting soaking in commercials, etc.
    7. Took a lovely shower, had some good ideas. Sent email to business advisers, goofed around with Dad a bit. Wrote this log and hit the hay!

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