Friday, August 5, 2016

Days of Summer >> 8/4/15 (Systems and Sisters Programming)

    1. 8/4/15
      1. Work early in the morning. Scramble to prepare demo and finish presentation, which Ross had awesomely reorganized according to my suggestion. Skip lunch.
      2. Presentation goes well. Tom, VP of Engineering is surprisingly friendly and seems eager to have basic build functionality.
      3. Work a bit longer, but we’re exhausted and leave around 4.
      4. Eat some food, take a bike ride. Go to Whatcom and explore around the area--lots of places I still haven’t seen! Alex sends an awesome reply to my email, very entertaining and literary.
      5. Off to Golf! Hitting like a pro, now that I’ve fixed my hip motion and swapped bent knees for bent back. Beautiful day (did I mention?)
      6. Get into a minor fight with I on the way back home. She is super indignant at the idea of me eating cat or dog in China and demands that Mom makes me promise not to do it. I’d gladly abstain for my sisters’ sake, but I’s bald appeal to authority and disrespect for my own moral code really gets my goat. So I blow her off, saying rightly that she can’t compel me to do any such thing.
      7. Back home, dinner, conversation with Mom and Dad about I and the incident. Dad thinks my action was justified, since the sisters demand so much that when they ask something serious I should really accept, they’ve used up all their social capital and all my patience. Discuss strategies for turning back this disturbing trend. Dad argues Mom and he have not been consistent enough with things like chores, b/c their constantly changing, evaluative mindset. We try to work out some consistent chores “I” (you know what, let’s make it “Z”) can do.
      8. Dad’s found the properly dubbed Totoro. We watch it. So cute. The voices are really, actually much awesomer than in the newer dubbed one. The art is amazing. And the movie is cheerful and has no evil/bad guys/cynicism. :) :)
      9. Responded to email. Did something I’d been procrastinating on for a month and it took 5min (why wait??).
      10. I don’t know why I did this after doing systems crud all day, but I decide to back up all my photos/upgrade my phone/backup my machine. Process actually goes pretty well. Our wifi uplink speed is incredible. Do this while blowing up an air mattress--I’m so tired of my flattened IKEA mat :D
      11. End the day by looking up inoculations for China. Looks like I only really need two, and both are feasible in a two-week timeline. Got lucky, wasn’t smart, Future Spencer learn from my laggardness even though experience didn’t slap me!
      12. Hitting the hay at 2:25 :P Good night!

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