Tuesday, February 9, 2016


  1. Short post due to midterms!
  2. Hardware midterm in the morning, thought it went pretty well!
  3. Lunchbox seminar, interesting prof on education. Designed more exploration-based lab courses, pretty open-ended--my main question is, how she can get away with not grading her students on the curve that grad school seems to require?
  4. Lab! Another very exhausting lab. I think we finished this time. Interesting circuits, but so little chance to ask questions / separate noisy data from bad data.
  5. Randomly ran into Cedric from Lavin, did some frisbee. Then hung out in the McMahon music room to relax for a moment. Ate dinner with Xin.
  6. Returned to Haggett, did linux hw. Then played some hoops with Xin, looked over practice midterms for circuits and did some reading.
  7. Wrote this log and turned myself in!
  8. Oh, yesterday summary:
    1. brunch with brandon, max, trevor
    2. super bowl! Wrote SPS newsletter and took run during 2nd qtr-end of halftime.
    3. Went out to Cedars with the brunch boys, Wesley from Glee, and Jacob and his buddy Ryan. Really glad that they're considering joining us. We saw the inside of Wesley's house--such terrible layout, I can't believe he thinks it would be a good place for us all to live next year--then looked at the outside of a too-good-to-be-true place Akshe from CS, Lavin might be able to set us up with, hat tip Trevor.
    4. Looked over lab with Brandon, did more studying for HW, hit the hay. Slept fairly poorly, due to sickness and the fact that hardware was taking over my subconscious. I swear, parts of my brain were trying to emulate a CPU and its registers :D

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