Sunday, February 21, 2016


  1. 2/20/16
    1. Woke up at 12:30 :D. Since I was up for 21 hours, this doesn’t surprise me as much as it might.
    2. Check Messenger and see a hailstorm of messages on the Housing Initiative Thread. Apparently people are planning to meet at 1.
    3. I don’t feel hungry, so I decide to go for a quick run. I grab Brandon on the way out.
    4. We jog around the lake, super pretty, then meet with the group at the 8. I explain my new position--likely to go back to the dorms, because I still want to live with a large group of people--but manage to stay in the conversation about the other options. Our group does have good chemistry, so I want to keep my options open, and I think I have a chance at convincing people to go to the 2104 house, which I will do my very best to follow up on.
    5. Walked out of the 8 and hung out for a bit, tossing a frisbee I had brought on the run.
    6. Hustled back to Haggett, transferred everything to my new backpack, which was satisfying. Then off to my math review session.
    7. Lots of fun--come up with an alternate, more intuitive but longer proof for a problem than the one Thomas produces.
    8. Go work out with Brandon. Run into Chase on the way to the gym and sweep him up into our fold.
    9. We try new machines; I work on my nemesis the crunch, while Brandon works on his, the pull-up. Finish up on the bench--Chase is still the strongest, but I’m getting a bit better.
    10. Grab a slice of pizza, hustle back to Haggett to meet up with people for the Cultural Night. They’ve already left, so I run down to Meany and find them amongst the many colorful booths. Check out a booth on Burma, then take my seat in the audience. Run into Irina, who’s just there by herself for fun--something I would do but which I’m increasingly realizing is not typically done. She joins our group, and we chat for a bit about CS, Adam Blank, growth mindset.
    11. Performances begin. What an incredible lineup! Dude who rocks ranchera acappella, several sets of awesome dancers portraying everything from Bosnian folk gatherings to Japanese fisherman work chants. Ends with UW Awaaz, the incredible East Indian acappella group that Sarang from CS is in. They are amazing.
    12. The 8 is closed, so I go to the Ave for dinner (again! How will I ever use up my dining account?). Try a new place, Samurai Noodle, and get a hot bowl of spicy ramen. It’s pretty good, broth has this weird bitter, ancho chile type flavor.
    13. Return to Haggett, muster Brandon, Donovan and Siri for ping pong. They’re actually pretty good, and we have some good games.
    14. Write this log and hit the hay, before 1am for once!

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