Monday, June 27, 2016

Days of Summer > 6/26/16

a.     Sunday (today!! Well, not anymore; I’m burning the 1:19am oil)
                                                 i.     Sleep in, cook bacon. Delicious brunch. Family scheduling.
                                               ii.     Get dropped off at Public Market to hang with Grace. We take the long walk to Fairhaven, then to Fairhaven Park, stopping to visit my old house 812 Wilson. It is a beautiful day—we play some Frisbee at fairhaven, dunk ourselves in the sprinklers, then loop back to downtown Fairhaven for some delicious gelato.
                                              iii.     We mostly talk about our various romantic exploits and struggles—a conversation that I’ve only had once before with Grace despite our long history of multifarious conversations. It’s just fun to hear Grace’s subjective experience of everything—her descriptions of different types of crushes, her personal ethos and decision making process; a fresh perspective J We were planning to get back to Bham by 4:30 so Grace could pack for her family’s upcoming trip to England. But Grace has some extra time so we get back late. Dad picks us up, we drop Dad off at home, then I drive Grace back to her house in the Lynden area countryside. What a beautiful drive! Indescribable. End up picking cherries with Grace to take home, since their amazingly fruitful tree has more berries than they could process even were they not going to England.
                                              iv.     Say goodbye, hand Grace a book I’d got her for the trip (the Armageddon Rag if you’ll recall from the stuff I may have not posted yet). Then south on Hannegan to pick Izzy and Dad up at a driving range near Barkley. We pick up some pizza and mushu pork in Sunset square, then book it home and eat.
                                               v.     After that—it’s pretty late—the folks and I have another good conversation about Grace’s perspective on romance. They eschew the decisive and bald direct-asking-out strategy in favor of indirect but clear signaling methods and a drawn-out courtship phase where everything is still up in the air. I think I understand the perspective, but resist it since only recently have I summoned up the courage to apply the naïve strategy, let alone the fortitude and skill and uncertainty tolerance for courtship. (I mean, I’ll learn, but struggles ._. )In true GoebelPeters fashion, they proceed to back up their arguments with clips from Pride and Prejudice and Lost. Much edifying time is spent this way.
                                              vi.     Then we watch an episode of Deathnote, a beautiful anime about a high-schooler drunk on the power of judgment and death. (The first episode reveals a lot.)
                                            vii.     Sing Fallout Boy songs with Izzy. Then show emails to Mom and spend a good hour finally catching up on this log.

                                           viii.     Post and hit the hay. Night all!

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