Monday, June 27, 2016

Backlog > Finals Week > 6/10/16

a.     Friday morning, slept in, then got all my stuff together for one last brunch. Brandon had moved out, Xin was recalcitrant, so it was myself, Trevor and Alex.
                                                 i.     Remembered Alex was now vegan, grabbed oatmeal J
                                               ii.     Got a bunch of stuff at the DM, clearing out my dining account.
                                              iii.     Hit Maple. Alex was there and Trevor soon arrived, and after a few last minute errands for olive oil and paper plates, we fell to cooking.
                                              iv.     I made Alex Mom’s classic apple and brown sugar oatmeal, chopping apples into boiling water until tender, then adding oats.
                                               v.     Trevor and I cooked lots of really tasty omelettes. We tried forgoing the parboiling on the potatoes, with limited success.
                                              vi.     Finished up with a round of delicious French toast made from cinnamon bread. It was really terrific. Alex didn’t take part; she made some toasted bread and loaded it with fried bananas.
                                            vii.     It’s weird still hanging out with Alex—in some ways, it seems as though nothing has changed; she’s so friendly—but this leaves my poor system 1 befuddled. I have to keep telling myself that things are different. Which, in the big picture, is really a good thing. It’s exactly what I would have wanted. But taking her off the system 1 books is incurring substatntial emotional resistance.
                                           viii.     Return to Haggett with all my stuff and start packing.
                                              ix.     Have dinner with Jamie. Convince Xin to come along; Siri joins us on the way out. It’s fun—Jamie hasn’t changed a bit. Still a bit cynical but self-assured and optimistic, still checks his phone randomly every five minutes, still having fun with Film Club and now with TedX.
                                               x.     Go to the Friday dance. Trevor gives Alex and myself a ride. It’s fun, but man, at this point I’m feeling really exhausted. Mentally, not physically. At the end, when the floor is almost empty, Trevor and I get into this crazy dance of high fives and synchronized jumping. It’s great how Trevor feeds off my goofy insanity—he’s not confident enough socially to start doing some random dance himself, but when I start bouncing off the walls he gets into it.

                                              xi.     Return to campus.

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