Thursday, June 2, 2016


  1. 6/1/16
    1. No time, to tarry here, no time, oh, no time…
    2. But I’ll attempt to give a quick narration of the past couple days.
    3. Weekend was awesome. Hung out with both sisters, boffered with Izzy, hiked with Mary. Had a great brunch and hung out with the cousins over dinner on Sunday.
    4. Go to Monday swing dance. Lots of fun as usual :D
    5. Tuesday is the big glee concert. Spend the day split between CS work and prepping for my little solo for one of the songs, Loch Lomond. Very scary, but I manage to relax somehow.
    6. Go to Meany, run through songs, more practicing. Still screw up the solo due to sheer terror during the practice runs.
    7. Get dinner with Glee dude at Aladdin’s. Gyro is AMAZING. Don’t know why I mention this.
    8. Head back and the concert begins! We’re first in the lineup. All of our songs are cool, we really get the glee vibe going and the audience is having fun. Loch Lomond starts, Wilvin kills the first solo, and then, 30 bars in, I walk up to the front of the stage in front of a mic. At this point the terror is gone; there is a mild embarrassment, but I sing the solo without any egregious mistakes (slight miscommunication with TA/conductor Jeffrey though as I mess with the tempo of the last note, Paul had suggested I do that but should have rehearsed it earlier.)
    9. Rest of the songs are even more fun with that out of the way. End with a big massed rehearsal, then meet up with the family. Apparently I actually sounded pretty good--Dad is usually straight-up about this stuff :) Hang out with sisters and secret a bit.
    10. Then get bubble tea with Alex, who had shown up to the concert and greeted me before the family. A fun experience--she had a crazy weekend despite placid intentions and premises :) Learn, though it be hardly surprising, that Alex has a very low activation energy for initiating relationships--another piece of the puzzle.
    11. Do some work on CS and go to bed.
    12. Ok, today! I’ll keep it quick.
    13. Math, lunch, lots of work on CS.
    14. Manage to get grill from CENPA for SPS potluck!
    15. SPS meeting.
    16. Meet with Gashia for tutoring, she didn’t do as well on the exam as we hoped, but some of the problems were pretty tricky. Went over the exam.
    17. Swing intermediate! Only a few people showed up, but a good lesson.
    18. Skipped Team Food to get dinner with Xin and Brandon, then we ended up playing badminton. Super fun although I could scarce spare the time.
    19. Quickly looked into singing at commencement and maybe going to this crazy summer swing event in Montana called Big Sky Weekend, then settled down to math. Tried to work through the hw in outline as quickly as I could. Fun, but a bit discombobulated feeling.
    20. Wrote this log and hit the hay, e’en as Xin and Brandon brewed ramen for the late-night grind :D

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