Tuesday, May 3, 2016


  1. 5/2/16
    1. Woke up bright and early, did thermal work.
    2. Off to math, got my exam back. Perfect score! I gotta instagram this :D
    3. Systems programming, smart pointers, kinda interesting. Talked a bit with some CS shmids afterwards--Matthew really likes the class, says C’s intensity turns him on xD
    4. Went to lunchbox! Interesting talk on bose-einstein condensate circuits. You know what, I don’t think you’ve ever seen a lunchbox poster--I make them every week. So check out the link :D
    5. Skipped accounting--spent 40 minutes reading the slides outside, which at the pace that class goes, is roughly equivalent to 2 hours spent in class.
    6. Tried to do some rudimentary data analysis on our magnetic field values in Mathematica--didn’t work too well.
    7. Got a bit of exercise in the McMahon courts, cold shower, then went to tutor for my physics peer tutoring class. Met G. in the research commons, but there was no tables so we went to the engineering library, which worked great. G, a responsible and successful bioe major, had none of the psychological issues we’d discussed in our group meetings. But she had no facility with algebra! Crazy. We spent most of the time on a few problems, I was relaxed and had time to explain stuff and elicit/engage in productive argumentation.
    8. Went to peer tutoring group meeting, all of us talked about our tutoring experiences. Got some good ideas.
    9. Hung out in the physics courtyard reading a neat paper about random walks on graphs--a topic for my math paper? Then Alex walked over to do some math. We worked outside for a while, took a frisbee break, had some dinner outside. The calc workload she has to deal with is pretty severe. I think if she were a tiny bit more confident, we could get a virtuous cycle of motivation and self-actualization going on :) but at the moment, it’s hard for her to put energy into Webassign and trust her logic enough to rigorously debug her algebra (usually it’s a sign error!) whenever Webassign rejects something.
    10. Went to the Monday dance--almost nobody was there. Read more paper, danced a bit, tried to pick up a few solo jazz moves.
    11. Returned to Haggett, email, more paper reading, and sleep. Night all!


  1. joan0716@sbcglobal.netMay 18, 2016 at 10:06 PM

    Terrific poster. Did not understand the content, but thoroughly enjoyed, "Knowledge free- -Pizza $1.00".

  2. Yeah, I need to update that joke :P
