Tuesday, April 28, 2015

UW Update Monday 4/27/15

1.     UW Update Monday 4/27/15
a.     Alright, short and sweet this evening as it’s 1:10 am.
b.     Physics. Really neat stuff on qualitatively sketching eigenfunctions.
c.      Linear.
d.     Return to Haggett, check email, finish annoying physics problem.
e.     Lunchbox. The speaker does research into educational physics and references the work of Daniel Kahneman J Good work is being done, but I still like my unschooling model better. Viral tweet possibility: educators trying to cater to all possible students is like procedural programming, writing the procedure teach(aStudent) that has lots of complex, hairy logic for dealing with all different types of students, vs. the object-oriented unschooling approach, where you give all different types of students resources and guidance, then call aStudent.learn() for each student (letting that student choose how to learn, because learn() is implemented differently in each student based on that student’s internal state and structure.
f.      CSE 311 lecture. More neat, neat stuff on primes and modular arithmetic.
g.     Talked with Johan for a bit, headed to ask questions of HFS folks in Lander. Passed through the SPS to order a t-shirt, but ended up staying for the whole meeting. It was fun—I knew almost all the people there, and was actually able to provide useful input to their decisions in several cases. Maybe I’ll apply to be an officer next year.
h.     Returned to Haggett. A guy I’ve been emailing about room swapping in 2104 offered the possibility of a basement quadruple, so Xin and I went to go check it out. Unfortunately, none of the residents in the quadruple were there when we showed up!
i.       Took a long walk parallel to frat row, through Ravenna Park, which was actually really pretty, and back through frat row, which was interesting.
j.       Grabbed quick dinner and went to volunteer at Ricks. Rick’s was busy the full 3.5 hour shift. It was fun—got some good scooping in and simultaneously some good socialization.

k.     Returned to room, read Diaspora while eating ice cream, talked to Xin for a bit, took shower, brushed teeth, folded laundry, wrote this log, and went to bed (too late J).


  1. Like your procedural vs. object-oriented education tweet...

  2. Thanks! Dang, I really do have to set up on Twitter now (or maybe spin off another blog that's more of a Ribbonfarm-wannabe than a journal). Did you see Monica spun off a journal blog from her regular blog?

  3. Thanks! Dang, I really do have to set up on Twitter now (or maybe spin off another blog that's more of a Ribbonfarm-wannabe than a journal). Did you see Monica spun off a journal blog from her regular blog?
