Saturday, January 24, 2015

UW Update 1/23/15

1.     UW Update 1/23/15
a.     Physics exam. As usual, slept slightly less well before exam. The exam went pretty well. I started out rushed, but used my time pretty well, and overcame initial panic when I read one question wrong.
b.     Walked back to North Campus and played Frisbee with Brandon.
c.      Studied in dorm.
d.     Went to the HUB for lunch. Listened to more Serial.
e.     Returned, did more physics homework. Interesting stuff about circuits with multiple batteries, complicated systems that obey interesting rules. Briefly chatted with Leah and Jade in the hall.
f.      Read for teaching class.
g.     Did brainstorming for teaching class.
h.     Jamie told me a bunch of people were going to grab Pho, so I joined them. Micah led us to this awesome Pho place, where we feasted on half-gallon sized portions of fragrant broth, thinly sliced tender beef, and noodles.
i.       It turned out we were going to go watch American Sniper, so again, I joined the group. We took a bus to downtown Seattle. The movie was pretty expensive, but it was good. Afterwards, we debated whether the movie cast war in a positive or negative light. One interpretation I liked is that the movie glorified the individual (the sniper) and his individual-sized choices and struggles relating to the war, but was indifferent or negative on the war itself.

j.       Wrote up short interview plan for research class, wrote this log, went to bed.

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