Saturday, March 14, 2015

UW Update Friday Mar. 13

a.     UW Update Friday Mar. 13
                                                 i.     Woke up and went straight to physics. I’m now two chapters behind on the reading, and unlikely to read them until after the unschooling presentation on Monday. Leeroooy…
                                               ii.     Had a really interesting class on light, EM waves (light, as far as I interpreted today’s class, is an electric field vibration that sets up a magnetic vibration that sets up an electric vibration that…, and the whole thing propagates through space). Talked about scattering of light in air.
                                              iii.     Returned to dorm. Figured out homework problem that had been bugging me.
                                              iv.     Went through the 100+ emails that had accumulated in my inbox. Sent out emails relating to voice-over recording for Cows.
                                               v.     Met with Diane from Cows and recorded a voice-over. It took a lot of time to get a usable outline and record, and I felt like the result was pretty disorganized, but the central themes were there, and the image is interesting.
                                              vi.     Ate lunch. Read more Free to Learn.
                                            vii.     Played some badminton with Xin.
                                           viii.     Returned to dorm, read more with some apples and peanut butter.
                                              ix.     Put on Glee Club stuff and walked to the University Presbyterian Church for our TA Stephen’s Graduate recital.
                                               x.     We did a short rehearsal, hung out listening to other groups rehearse. Some members were playing Smash Bros’ against each other on DSs, which looked pretty fun. I read this interesting article on more intuitive ways of working with math (not math education! Math as a tool) and this related one on programming. I joined 6 other people at Which Wich for dinner—we talked about classes and majors.
                                              xi.     Returned to church. The concert began. Some really neat music, including an Irish song sung by an advanced subset of the Glee club that I had been listening to. Sang our two songs, which went well.
                                            xii.     Returned to dorm and worked on unschooling presentation/paper. Read a bit of John Holt’s Instead of Education (he’s considered sort of the father of the unschooling movement) It was pretty interesting, and again, very hard for me not to agree with.

                                           xiii.     Wrote this log and went to bed.

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