Monday, March 6, 2017

3/6/18: The Happiest of Days

  1. 3/6/18
    1. Highlights!
    2. Gaya brought me flowers after the Glee concert! And met the family :) Both sides enjoyed the encounter a lot.  I got to goof off with Secret in the grass, chat up Izzy about algebra. We hit Full Tilt for a ridiculous amount of delicious ice cream, then back to 2104 to hang out for a bit.
    3. Then my folks dropped me off at Chili’s for the Philosophical Physical Society’s 3rd meeting. We had an interesting discussion about Germany--fun fact: Hitler was a decent painter :P And I came up with a topic for next time--a better vocabulary for describing the recursive interactions between self and environment that make me feel less like a decision-making robot than math-major-mental-models predict ;)
    4. Afterwards, went to Jacob’s house. We talked philosophy for a bit, then dug into Ohm’s law--turns out a uniformly conducting medium supports EM waves, but they have a damping term! And all sorts of crazy stuff. Really really cool. Jacob and I may Tex it up over break--typeset it into a paper :)
    5. Head to Terry and hang out * with Gaya for a while. Recap the fam visit happily.
    6. Return to 2104, write the SPS newsletter, crash out

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