Sunday, March 5, 2017

3/5/18: Dinner Party

  1. 3/5/18
    1. Woke up at noon :)
    2. Made Xin an omelet
    3. Went to get a haircut with Xin! My favorite place Epic Cuts was closed for a remodel, but we found a nearby place. Barbers were very entertaining, big buff dudes slapping us on the back with rugby on the telly.
    4. Went back, hit the gym. Crushed Xin at badminton then played a few going-it-easy games with a few noob girls and a dude who I’d met at DubHacks.
    5. 5-minute workout, then shower, towel off in the sauna :)
    6. On the way back to 2104, grab some groceries for the curry night
    7. Then grab some more stuff from 2104 and hike to West Campus
    8. Run into Alex on the way, turns out she just broke up, give her a hug and proceed to pick up Gaya from Terry.
    9. Walk over to the Engineers’ Flat, where Curry Night is in full swing. Brandon is mixing ginger * beverages, (the * is not a pointer declaration), Fielder et al. are masterminding two different kinds of curry, a new dude named Anice is chopping chicken. Gaya and I get to work. I start making greek salad and Gaya makes chai.
    10. Gaya gets in a good chat with Alex while I catch up with all the engineers.
    11. Once the rice is ready, dinner is served. Amazing and very classy. Fielder did a terrific job organizing. I feel like I’m at a homeschool dinner party, a far cry from the omelets and pancakes me and Brandon hacked together in the earliest brunches :D We’ve come a long way.
    12. See Gaya out--she’s got to work--then sit down and chat with Julie and Trevor and Alex.
    13. End up in a long EE conversation with Max; we argue about capacitors in series and springs and a possible abstraction in graph theory that connect the two :D
    14. Bid everyone goodbye, head over to Terry, have a good chat with Gaya, sing some goofy songs :D
    15. Return to 2104, hang out a bit with Xin, check email and Facebook, do tutorial pretest, read a math article from Dad, and hit the hay :D

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this information on dinner party. Recently, arranged a weekend brunch party with my family at a graceful venue New York. Did wonderful and unique arrangements for this party. We all had an amazing time and enjoyed a lot as well.
