Sunday, July 10, 2016

Aaah! What's this! I have 15 days to catch up on?? Well here you go:

  1. Chilling and analyzing my Facebook friend graph
    1. I finally decided I had to see the data. Did some research and found Facebook had killed their social graph API (which allows programs to grab the social graph and do things with it). 
    2. No problem, some German researchers wrote a web scraper to get the graph anyway. I tried their app (at and the results were really neat. Plus I was able to export the graph for future tinkering.
  2. Boffing and Drafting
  3. Soccer and Lasagna
  4. Cutting coax, labeling, taking I to hang with Koepps and Coopers, M to Agility
  5. Hung out with Coopers, then Park Day at Birchwood
    1. Drove in with Coopers, little kids all gathered to watch me park
    2. Chaos trying to organize everybody. Everyone had fun anyway.
  6. Lots of screwing in coax cables at Alpha, relaxing work. Eat dinner with J&N, Dad and M and play smash. Julie and Ken are gone (farm business, medical issues) so I'm hanging with the Cooper boys this week. Overall a great time, get insight into their strange, relaxed, one-game-to-the-next lifestyle. Play lots of Smash, Black Ops Zombies and Rayman, cook food, oversee the construction of a birdhouse, crush Noah about 20 times at Horse, Pig, and the one-letter version Grace calls A, et-cetera!
  7. Homeschool 4th of July! Party is impoverished (no Hailey, Claire b/c reenactment, no Monica cuz illness, Blair abandons us to watch netflix...) But still a lot of fun. William and Peter both make it and it is great catching up with them. Plus I pwn at 2on2 hoops, which is surprising since I haven't really played in nearly 9 months.
  8. It's an M day!
    1. Dog park
    2. Learn kanji
    3. Hike (find new Whatcom Falls trail)
    4. Makeup
    5. Dog park again :D
  9. It's a Xin day!
    1. That is, after I get back from Seattle. And meet Alex for breakfast, which is fun. We go to a vegan restaurant--my mushroom quiche is really good, but Alex shells out $16 for the french toast and coconut hot chocolate (!). 
    2. And I almost give Eleanor a ride back to Bham.
    3. Get back to Bellingham, go to boffing, then drive to Xin's place.
    4. Kayak to Larrabee :)
    5. Eat dinner--Ricardo grills drumsticks and Ping makes delicious pork ribs--a feast!
    6. Play Gokumo (5-in-a-row tic-tac-toe) with Xin. He crushes me the first three games with a clever strategy I can't believe I've never seen before. Turns out he's played against a computer bot, etc...
    7. I figure it out and win the fourth game, after which we adjourn to a ping-pong match, which Xin wins handily. Very fun visit.
  10. Soccer, gameday at the Coopers, then drive to Seattle for the special big-band Friday night dance!
    1. Driving is a bit stressful, but fun. Hit craziness outside of Seattle and survive a trying lane change. Park uneventfully outside the SPS.
    2. Eleanor, whose blond-haired visage I at first don't recognize (she's going for silver after several rounds of dyeing) and Brandon give me a super warm welcome at their apartment. Immediately get into an intense conversation with Eleanor about the merits of subcontractors (what else?). 
    3. Brandon tries to make tofu and fails. I get food at Guanaco's. We eat, and then it's off to dance!
    4. Ride with Eleonore and Alex plus Taylor in Spencer Pease's car. Good catching up with them all--Eleonore sounds excited, though a bit sad, to head back to France for grad school.
    5. Dancing is awesome. Eleanor is there (confusing right?) and I get in a couple good dances with her.
    6. However, she bails to get food with the people she drove with
    7. and Brandon and I are left alone. Not! Brandon's younger sister Emily is there. Late-night conversation and shenanigans ensue. I hit the hay around 2.
    8. Wake up bright and early, brisk walk along the Ave to meet Alex for breakfast.
  11. Work at Alpha. Figure out that we're missing a backslash in our PATH (a Linux environment variable, kill me now). Facepalms to infinity, but hey, it *almost* builds now. 
    1. Then Henry Banks's graduation. Very different from Monica's--we play board games the whole time.
    2. I get to roast Henry with stories of the old Wheeler-Dealer days over pie, which is great.
    3. He likes my card commemorating all the ventures that we founded back in the day--Quirky Quenchers, Hcards, Stufflibrary...
  12. My memories here are failing. Noooo! A few days forever lost to the void. Whatever. My brain is hitting the void pretty soon. To all a good night!

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