Thursday, May 26, 2016


  1. 5/26/15
    1. Another solid breakfast, and a less confusing math :) Go to systems programming, then decide to get a haircut before lunch.
    2. Meet Sam from last quarter’s Neural Engineering in the HUB getting cash, chat for a bit.
    3. Haircut run! Get some exercise getting out to Epic Cuts, get a sweet cut, usual banter with the friendly haircutting entrepreneur, a mother of 4 and avid conspiracy theorist.
    4. Back to the HUB, get a delicious sub, sit down and study thermal and accounting--much more efficient and rewarding than going to either class. As I’m sitting there, Jacob W. from thermal comes up, and we discuss the various thermodynamic potentials.
    5. Go to the music building, practice my solo for Loch Lomond. Tricky business--it’s a low baritone solo. But I make decent headway.
    6. Off to SPS meeting, catch up with Winnie a bit, chill with the crew. Frank swears us new officers in, and I swear him in, feeling a bit goofy :)
    7. Then tutoring--meet Gashia in the engr library. Man, she’s so cheerful! Very strong growth mindset.
    8. Swing intermediate lessons! Finally work on swing-outs. Then team food--go to Little Thai.
    9. Back to the Hag, work on math paper, go back to music building but I’m tired so I end up playing other random songs in addition to Loch Lomond.
    10. Return to Hag one more time, work on math HW, not as bad as I expected. Write this log and hit the hay.


  1. joan0716@sbcglobal.netMay 30, 2016 at 9:57 AM

    Loch Lomond, your maternal great-grandmothers would be sooooooo proud of you. T and I are too.
