Friday, May 20, 2016


  1. 5/19/16
    1. Wake, head to the 8 for a quick breakfast, do some reading and debugging, then math.
    2. Skip Garcia’s group meeting :) More debugging. Getting closer.
    3. Also prepare questions for discussion Global Trends class. Get lunch and take it to the business school. Good discussion this time, I manage to pick some provocative questions, and I’m in a good, alert, not totally dead mood.
    4. After that, hang out in the business school room coding; rishabh’s team, who are running this startup called BellHapp that automates a lot of server-customer communication. Got to hear their pitch, it was actually really good (well, the presentation quality wasn’t that great, but the traction they’d already obtained with restaurants (they have a bunch of preorders with some chain) and the mentors that had helped them impressed me. Rishabh said he might have work I could do remote over the summer--we’ll have to talk about that.
    5. Finish Systems project, breathe a deep sigh of relief. Manage to code the last two sections almost flawlessly and debugging is easy.
    6. Go to music building, hit up the practice rooms. Have one of the most fun 20 minutes of practice I’ve ever had on my own. Figure out a bunch of notes and rhythm.
    7. Glee practice is amazing. We’re killing stuff, plus after about 8 other people sing the Loch Lomond solo, I decide to try it just for fun (since I’m always humming Irish tunes). I’m unpracticed and a bit shaky, but my tone quality I thought was pretty awesome.
    8. Grab some dinner and return to Haggett, where I run into Bran in the lounge. Hang out with her for a bit, Xin comes in and we all eat dinner/chat.
    9. At this point, I’m out of energy and still have math hw to do. I have a bunch of tedious residue integrals to do. What a weird life.
    10. Work for about an hour, but motivation is eluding me. So I pull out the paper I’m supposed to be researching and try to figure out spectral matrix theory. Which I actually make headway on--it’s pretty neat. Linear algebra is amazing. Also, I’m listening to a spotify radio spun off from a song Alex linked me way back, Arrival of the Birds by Prague Philharmonic Orchestra--super beautiful and accentuates the beauty of math like nobody’s business.
    11. Go out to Denny field for half an hour, work out some energy.
    12. Return and keep plugging away on math. Then write this log and hit the hay. Good night! And see you soon ‘hamsters. I’m smiling your way.

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