Sunday, November 16, 2014

UW Daily Update Friday Nov. 14

1.     UW Daily Update Friday Nov. 14
a.     Wake up early and left to get breakfast at Motosurf before attending physics. Got the Moto Combo of eggs, potato, and sausage, jogged over to the physics tables, and chowed down.
b.     Go to physics; drew more free-body diagrams and did more interesting applications of Newton’s second law (a force F causes an acceleration a proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass; F = ma. We clarify how “the tension” in a string is defined.
c.      Do phys homework outside.
d.     Go to the IMA and played basketball. The only gym with enough people for a game was Gym A, the gym inhabited by all the hardcore players. Play two games. It was fun, but there were some really good players. If I hesitated with the ball, my defender would try to rip the ball out of my hands, and he succeeded several times.
e.     Grab my ticket for the next home football game (Saturday after this Saturday)
f.      Eat lunch at the HUB, then go to computer science. Discuss interesting next homework assign, where we write a program that builds a tree representing a set of questions to ask in playing 20 Questions and learns after every game it loses by prompting the user for a question that distinguishes the object the user is thinking of from its best guess and then uses that question to create another branch on the tree.
g.     Return to the dorm and took a shower. Decide to work on improving the brute force algorithm I wrote for the programming competition I did a month ago that wasn’t efficient enough (where I tried to figure out how close a rover with restricted moves could get to a given point in a given time; see Update Oct. 11), using some ideas I’ve had since then and what I’ve learned about recursive backtracking. Unfortunately, I get lazy and don’t create a class to manage all the details of my rover’s state, and get into an awful mess. I’m convinced my idea will work, I just need to do it right.
h.     Set up Skype with Grace for following Wednesday.
i.       Eat dinner at 8 and read.
j.       Play poker with floormates and amass enormous fortune.

k.     Do computer science homework and go to bed.

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