Thursday, March 2, 2017


  1. 3/1/18
    1. Woke up at 10
    2. Read through fascinating lecture notes on biophysics, polymer folding and entropic force :)
    3. Went to class, we started a discussion of elasticity theory, which relates strain (the forces on an object) and the stress (the resulting deformation) in all its multi-dimensional glory. We derived the lines of zero stretch ;)
    4. Lunch culti-date with Gaya! Cultidate <- date at Cultivate, the actually quality HFS-run high-end restaurant that takes student dining money. Sat next to the ASUW president--all the HFS brass eat at Cultivate.
    5. Went to Terry to study * with Gaya.
    6. Frustrating work on the hotel website for CaC. The feature set of the builder we decided to use (Squarespace is blocked in China) is just too lean. Will have to talk with team.
    7. Swing lessons! I was super out of it for some reason and really struggled with swing-out variations. At the end of the two hours (advanced, techniques) I just collapsed on the floor.
    8. Team Food at Little Thai. Tasty, good to catch up with Savanna, talk to Nico about math memes, which is a difficult mode of conversation for me.
    9. Am not feeling like doing work, so I go to the gym and play some hoops. Check in with my family about the absolutely, wildly insane thing that’s happening with my sis’s instagram account--one of her videos is on track to be in the top 3 most popular videos of the year!
    10. Return to 2104, hang out downstairs and read, chat with Gaya for a bit, then hit the hay.

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