Sunday, February 19, 2017

2/2/18: A Short Day for a Long Weekend

  1. 2/2/18
    1. Slept in until 12:30!
    2. Did laundry, washed dishes, ate some instant oatmeal to raise my glucose levels and then
    3. Did the Amazon preliminary internship assessment! This was a hour-long challenge that ended up not being very challenging; the debugging portion was trivial, and the logic portion was like a bunch of letter cipher puzzles plus some SAT-like comprehension questions.
    4. Chase came over to hang out and we made lunch, then took a walk around some pretty neighborhoods north of 45th. Lots of fun conversation. Sounds like his PGPNA (D&D club) exploits are going awesome.
    5. Meet Henry Banks at the Oasis for some bubble tea. Very fun! Catch up on each other’s programming projects; he describes a little memory management hack called “object pools”. We oddly ran out of conversation about an hour and a half in, whereupon he returned to the Academy of Interactive Entertainment and I went to join Gaya’s Singaporean buddies at the Kong Tofu House. Very good food, similar to the Korean Tofu House ;)
    6. Go back with Gaya to Terry to work. Find the 8th floor lounge unoccupied and get rolling. After a short interlude *, I settle down to wringing the very essence of the belief propagation algorithm from a paper linked in the homework. 3 hours later, I have a decent sense of what’s going on. BP is complicated!
    7. Decide to stay over in the 8th floor lounge. Send some email, write this log, and * hit the hay.

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