Monday, June 8, 2015

UW Update Monday 6/8/15

1.     UW Update Monday 6/8/15
a.     Woke at 7:30. Showered and headed to linear final. Got there early to partake of the breakfast that our awesome postdoc offered. Nobody was there yet. Annie arrived with homemade bread and Nutella and muffins. Those of us that were there ate and helped move chairs around. More people arrived and took their seats; I walked around the back with a bag of muffins. Surprisingly few takers.
b.     Sat down and took the test. Went very well as far as I could tell, although the timing was relatively tight. Finished a 110-minute test with about 10 minutes to spare.
c.      Talked with Annie for a bit.
d.     Returned to dorm with Winnie. She thought she’d messed the test up, so I took out my Frisbee to take her mind off it J. We passed the Frisbee back and forth until we reached McMahon, where her novice toss dropped the Frisbee off the treacherous, ivy-covered, cliff-like, spider-infested hillside. We were unable to find it J
e.     Returned to Haggett. Worked on CSE note sheet. Emailed Garcia. Had a long text conversation with Johan about various practice problems.
f.      Met Hannah, who I hadn’t seen all quarter long for lunch in the HUB. We took our food outside. She’s been doing well-taking 20 credits this quarter. Just got into the History major. And—whaddaya know—she’s considering trying to do something with CS. Crazy. I guess her boyfriend is a CS nerd who just transferred here to apply to the major.
g.     Parted ways. Ran into Jacob (W?) I know three Jacobs. He was messing around with derivations in calculus—brought back great memories from 1-2 years ago. Ran into Ayush. Talked about thermo, finals.
h.     Headed to the Research Commons. Finished CSE note sheet. Packed and walked to Miller. At the entrance, hesitated to soak up the sun, then stepped through the doors.
i.       Said hi to the 311 crew. A lot of them will be joining me in 312 and 332 next quarter, which should be fun.
j.       As James passed out the exams and silence fell, we became aware of the sweaty humidity in the room. It was oppressive. Images of damp paper sliding over clammy hands filled my mind.
k.     The test was hard, but I think I did fine. Finished everything with under 10 minutes to spare, as before.
l.       Talked a bit, said goodbye to the crew. Returned to Haggett. Relaxed, went through remaining emails and menial stuff.
m.   Headed to Denny and got into a game of 21 that stretched on at least an hour as none of us could get the game-winning free throw. Adjourned for games of 3-on-3 and 5-on-5 as more people arrived. The last game was really intense—the “try-hards” had arrived.
n.     Returned to dorm soaked. Took a shower, then met Chase for dinner in the 8. Took food outside. Talked about the upcoming campaign, big organizations, and anime. Finished our conversation in the Haggett lounge stairwell as per custom.
o.     At this point, my analytical brain, my social brain, and my body are all equally exhausted. I lie on the bed and read Karenina for about an hour and eat apple slices with Nutella.
p.     Skype with Mom and Dad. Finalize move-out plans.

q.     Write this log, take a walk, and go to bed.

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