Friday, February 3, 2017

2/2/17: Work and Peace

  1. 2/2/17
    1. Sleep like a log.
    2. Breakfast and work.
    3. Grad class! Learn more Markov Networks stuff.
    4. Meet Caleb (from my Presentations class way back!) for lunch. Trade stories from classes and trying to do research. Good time.
    5. Try to understand my frickin’ homework. The data and starter code are presented with minimal explanation.
    6. Run over to the gym to squeeze in some hoops! Get into some good games. I play well, but my technique is off--I’ve already lost the ‘twitch’ :P
    7. Skip ENTRE because it’s another one of Alan’s 15 minute lectures + check in. That way, I get to read a bit of my grad class textbook--which is titillating but not relevant to the homework--and examine the provided data to make sure it’s formatted how I think it is.
    8. Glee rehearsal!
    9. Schultzy’s! Chew the rag with Wesley.
    10. Run back home, grab my stuff, off to physics to study with Jacob, Brandon, Eric. Jacob and I spend most of the time talking about quantum stuff not directly relevant to the exam ;) Spend a long time trying to figure out this Hund’s Rules thing. Eventually come up with a nice proof for what it was we were trying to do, connecting z-angular momentum and regular angular momentum.
    11. Meet Gaya for just a few moments since I’m close to West Campus :D
    12. Run back home, write this log, and crash. Wish me luck on the midterm!

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