Monday, January 16, 2017

1/16/17: Brunch Day

  1. 1/16/17: Brunch Day
    1. Monday holiday!
    2. Wake up at 10, bustle around. It’s brunch day! And so, I recruit Brandon to carry a load of groceries to Mercer. For my part, I bounce off the Safeway for some mo ingredients then report to the Engineers’ Flat.
    3. The disco blares from the rich quality speakers along the lakefront windows, and the party is on! The kitchen is covered in crud so I read and they clean while we wait for Brandon.
    4. Brandon arrives in a pair of glaring black sunglasses, hair newly blonder than the sun. With him the brunch begins. Cutting boards tile the counter as all sorts of veggies are chopped; Brandon stands impassive, bold at the frying pan as the veggies meet their destiny. I get to work on the sausage; at first too much water, but in the end all is well.
    5. The scramble feeds everyone, even Trevor, starving from an extended homework binge. I have to run to the DM for eggs; while I do so, Jacob W. arrives, bringing characteristic charisma. Just as I admit him to the building, Alex and Julia show up! The Engineers’ is popping. Kasey and I churn out French toast by the plateload.
    6. Eventually things quiet down. I manage to collect grocery money from people for the first time, which is a serious win.
    7. I task Brandon with returning our groceries unwilted; Kasey, the bold but unassuming chef, graciously takes up the dishes. Jacob and I stroll to physics, there, presumably, to pound out homework. But Jacob and I are drawn inexorably to our favorite pastime; derivations on the blackboard.
    8. Just as we finally settle in with our problem sets, I receive a mystery call. I take it to discover it is a distress signal; a high schooler has a physics exam the next morning and requires urgent tutoring! We arrange a meeting and I head to the Research Commons for 1.5hrs of tutoring. Definitely fun, goes well. Seems as though I might be hired on a regular basis.
    9. Return to research commons, read up on magnetization.
    10. Go out to dinner with Gayatri for our “1-month anniversary” (;P) We go to Aladdin’s and chomp gyros in the cozy carpeted section. Get to learn more about her family’s background.
    11. Return to 2104, en route completing the great 3-day laundry cycle (wash one day, dry the next, claim the 3rd) by picking up my clothes from Hansee.
    12. Quick Skype with Grace, fun, she’s just settling in at Marcus House.
    13. Finish the laundry and write this log.
    14. Happy Tuesday y’all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Spence,
    It's so good to read the fine print after talking the other day. Nice combo. :)
    As your mother, however, I must caution you against 3-day laundry cycles in the future. Major ick factor here.

    Otherwise, its sounds like your 2017 is off to a great start. Very happy for you!
