Friday, October 7, 2016

10/5/16: Back into the Swing of things

  1. 10/5/16
    1. Woke up an hour before class, had delicious Raisin Bran breakfast while watching Your Lie in April, super beautiful.
    2. Statmech was interesting, fast-paced and twisty lecture.
    3. Hung out in SPS lounge, a bit of frisbee with Isaak, taught Isaak how to make the lunchbox poster. Worked on quantum tutorial.
    4. SPS meeting! Stefana from club fair tabling and open house showed up, jumped right into the thick of things. The vibe was really good, everyone was joking around but staying on topic. I’m working on the Thanksgiving Food Drive, which basically means hyping and fostering cordial animosity between students and their profs, and opposing profs, so that people want to donate food so that their prof gets pied. We also talk about the Halloween party, which I coerce Devin into captaining.
    5. Try to go home and get lunch. Get into conversation with Johan about trying to get into 390p, which I’m not even sure that I want to do, frustrating.
    6. In Red Square sign up for HvZ, starts this Monday!!
    7. Back to 2104, make myself a couple of grilled sandwiches (potato bread works really well) and some apples, watch more Your Lie.
    8. Start working outside, write an email to Adam Blank.
    9. Badminton with Xin, we get into a doubles game and this one dude single-handedly shows us up. Competitive frustration!
    10. Return to 2104, take a shower, then
    11. Off to swing lessons! First is the advanced lesson, which is mostly working on the subtleties of swing-outs. Guess who’s there: Stefana from SPS! She had mentioned she was interested in dancing and I’d told her about lessons. But guess what happens! My face-name recognition chokes fatally. I see a face I can’t quite place in the rotation, halfway through the lesson; naturally I assume it’s someone I’ve danced with before. So I ask her name again. Whoops! It’s Stefana :0 Whose name I instantly remembered, once I had the connection with SPS. She’s extremely weirded out by the contrast between my SPS competence and social grace vs. my apparent complete inability to remember her face in this different setting, actually asks if I’m high :P (Analogous to the Ritmo Latino dance moment where the dude asks me how I ended up there :)
    12. Technique lessons are fun. Much smaller class but John and Cassie do a good job. Sasha from the intro lesson in the IMA is there, she remembers me. Madeleine is her usual goofball self. Afterwards we go to Team Food, meet up with Trevor.
    13. Get into a conversation with Savanna and someone I vaguely remember from last quarter named Becci. Turns out Savanna auditioned for Furmata too, also didn’t get in. Becci invites me to audition for her acappella group, a spinoff of Furmata, called Hounds of Music. Sounds interesting :)
    14. We all go to Mongolian Grill and chow down. I sit down at the main table and then see Trevor, who hadn’t chutzpah’d his way to one of the tight spaces at the main table. So I get up, grab Alex and Becci who are just sitting down, and sit with Trevor. Good conversation about travels, etc.
    15. Return to 2104 with Madeleine and Alex’s friend Julie who are going to North campus. Skype parents, lots of fun.
    16. Grab some tea downstairs, quick chat with Lisa, then back to journaling. Xin’s slaving away grading EE homework, guess my TA experience wasn’t enough to scare him away :D

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