Saturday, February 20, 2016


  1. 2/18/16
    1. Woke at 5:30 to finish math. My mind again had worked on the problems during my 4 hours of sleep, and I solved the remaining ones neatly.
    2. Math was neat--Will went on a long tangent about functions that are continuous everywhere but differentiable nowhere.
    3. Hardware--very neat stuff about the way the OS, Hardware maintain the illusion of separate processes.
    4. Lunch with Rishabh, from way back in Autumn of Freshman year. He had posted on the facebook group for the seminar we were both in that autumn, recommending a Business-Honors class. So we started chatting and decided to meet up at Which Wich. Super great--we talked about Rishabh’s current restaurant-service-automation startup, the classes in the entre minor, etc.
    5. Went to Neural. Fairly dry lecture on neural prostheses aimed at disabled people, but lots of good info.
    6. Get the Physicists Together was packed today--like 8 people playing Resistance, the core of our community. I kicked *ss in the game, a completely unsuspected spy.
    7. After that, my goofy Circuits lab. I swear, that lab is one of the most frustrating experiences I’ve ever subjected myself to. The circuits are super cool… on paper. Then you screw something up on the breadboard, forget to set your probe attenuation, collect random noise from Leroy knows where… and then you realize you’ve completely misunderstood either the circuit or one of the poorly worded questions that Prof. Morales (who is awesome, just not the clearest lab writer) asks. The lab, which should have been short, stretches into its fourth hour; I hang out with the TA and examine a frustrating circuit afterwards.
    8. Head down from the lab, exhausted; the physics shmids are still in the lounge playing games :) Bid them all goodnight, grab a burger on the Ave, and return to Haggett.
    9. The crazy girl who accosted me when I baked cookies for the floor last quarter is in the lounge, talking to Chloe. She shanghais a bunch of us into playing Catan, something which I go along with--in my exhausted state, I could scarce struggle against such a tempting proposition.
    10. Don’t quite finish the game, but Chloe gets hooked and wants to play another one later.
    11. Go play a bit of hoops with Xin.
    12. Return to Haggett, intending to flop into bed; see Siri and Ricardo in the lounge not quite finishing their Shawarma King leftovers. They offer me some and I, again, can’t refuse. Hang out for half an hour (it’s now 1am) talking. Siri regales me with more tales of his backwards calc class. Apparently, there’s just this one prof who can’t teach at all, grades really harshly (tests not on a curve), and doesn’t teach necessary material on time. Everyone wants to get out of his class, but on the other hand, all the calc sections are full. This seems like a market opportunity--maybe I could teach a parallel lecture, assemble a group of killer TA’s who want to make some extra money. I think students will pay for this, since Siri says over half the class is failing, and it’s been that way for a long time.
    13. Ok, now I write the log and finally go to bed.

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