Monday, January 25, 2016


  1. Highlight of the day: epic brunch-making session with Xin, Brandon, Donovan. It happened like this: Xin wanted to make a pie. He wanted something to look forward to at the end of the week. But when he woke up, he had to face the full complexity of the task he had set for himself, and decided it was too complicated. Neither of us wanted to give up on his beautiful wishful idea completely, and some brainstorming uncovered some pancake mix he had been hoarding from home. We needed ingredients, grabbed Brandon, decided to go to Safeway--things snowballed. We got blueberries, whipped cream, extra eggs, picked up Donovan and his extra skillet, made it to the 5th floor, and started cooking away. We made 5 omelets and a metric crap-ton of pancakes. While we were cooking, a random girl from the 5th floor poked her head in and obtained a job and some pancakes for her trouble :) 
  2. It was 3pm by the time we sat down to eat what we had made, and we had barely the time to finish before Brandon and Xin were whisked away to an EE study session. I did dishes, took a quick run while the sun was still out. Then I settled down, wrote the SPS Newsletter, and worked on my CSE study abroad essay. Ate dinner, Skyped my parents, finalized my decision that next year would be the better one for studying abroad, ditched the essay for homework. After a good stretch of productivity, hit the lounge, got into a debate about gun control with Siri and Jonne, the new Dutch dude who's super interested in Americans' viewpoints about their own politics. Watched some great YouTube comedy on gun control. Worked a bit on circuits, then watched an episode of Newsroom with Jonne, Siri, Arif, and Sierra. Super neat show! Maybe I'll try to catch up on the first season over breakfast--but then when would I read Death and Life of Great American Cities??
  3. Anyway, debate over, show ended, it was late as fwqhwgads, and I had barely time to write this log before sinking into exhaustion. 
  4. Leroy on fellows! -Spencer

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