Saturday, September 26, 2015


1.     9/24/15
a.     Woke up at 6:20 (it was still dark), showered, ate a banana with some dry granola, and headed down for my first Dawgs Crew move-in shift. Found my group, hung out for a bit, then got a quick primer on my role as a cart pusher. It was actually a lot of fun and quite social, and I quickly shook off my early-morning malaise. Many times I manhandled my unwieldy 5.5’ cart out to the street in front of Haggett, where I waited and conversed with my fellow pushers, or grabbed the first available car. I would help load, finding the correct loadin puzzle solution while making reassuring small talk with parents and students. Then I’d haul the car over to the correct (North vs. South tower) elevator and wait for the elevator guyl (my new gender-neutral informal pronoun), who was in complete control of the elevator so it didn’t do inefficient things like try to pick up a cart before dropping off the one it was moving.
b.     Once picked up, we hustled to the room, unloaded (I got to see everyone’s stuff up close and personal), I (in)formally welcomed the student to Haggett, and then headed back to pick up more stuff. During this first shift, I moved in two people on my floor, 8 North.
c.      My shift ended at 10:30 when I was replaced by my old acquaintance Rudy. I headed back to the room, checked and dealt with email. Xin and I decided to head to the IMA pool. We swam some laps, hung out in the outside courtyard, then ate some lunch at the HUB. I eschewed Motosurf for pasta, which was great.
d.     I had no time to order Dawg Pack tickets, which this year counted for both football and basketball games, before my next shift started.
e.     The next shift was also great. Same deal, but we got to eat donuts. Things ended at 5, whereupon I went up to my room and finished email, FB messages, a ton of amazon purchases, and textbooks. By the time I was done with all that I went down to the IMA to play basketball, and got into one game of 3-on-3 (fun, but out of form). Returned, hung out a bit with a girl named Amanda while working on my journal in the lounge.

f.      Did stuff for NextSeattle (readings and stuff, on “design thinking”) which I hadn’t realized I’d need to do until today, but managed it in a decently relaxed manner. Crashed hard.

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