Thursday, June 11, 2015

UW Update Wednesday 6/10/15

1.     UW Update Wednesday 6/10/15
a.     Highlights: Physics final. Went ok. Had to guess on a few of the numerous questions.
b.     Ate lunch with Winnie. More interesting philosophy/readings conversation. I showed up a bit early in the HUB and perused the used book tables—there’s a new Jared Diamond book that aligns very closely with my interest in looking at hunter-gatherer societies to find ways that modern societies aren’t optimized for our evolutionary wiring. I also found this crazy book, “On the origins of consciousness in the split of the bicameral mind”, advocating a seemingly absurd thesis that one reviewer summed up as “humans before about 2000 BC were in a trance state receiving orders from imagined gods”. But several very credible reviewers praised the argument even as they doubted the conclusion, including the New Yorker. So I looked it up on Amazon, where many intelligent-sounding people were calling it one of the most profound and thought-provoking books they’d read in a while. (Tom, have you read this?). Crazy! I’ll have to add it to my list.
c.      Returned to Haggett, texted Xin, and we went to the IMA pool for a swim. We swam and messed around for about an hour (I actually managed to dive headfirst off the diving board. I just sort of mindfully fell in and was not hesitant and uncomfortable as I’d been in the past. Weird. Then we headed to the outdoor courtyard and lay in the sun. So nice!
d.     Returned to Haggett, then down to CENPA. Helped Garcia, Max, Zezhou Jin set up tables and stuff. Aaron showed up with Spencer Pease and a car, and we zipped over to QFC and bought patties and fixin’s. Returned, Aaron driving like a lunatic in his ratty but obviously well-cared for “soul car”. Fired up the grill, cut the veggies, grabbed stuff from Haggett and the kitchen; it was 30 minutes into the party before I allowed myself to relax. It went well, but I think I could have been a little more present J Ate, headed into the labs to get a picture with the accelerator. Headed back out for more pics, a short violin concert from our class’s resident Music major. People slowly trickled out; I got more signatures on the card I made for Garcia and then gave it to him. Hugs all around J
e.     Finally packed everything away. I have a ton of mayo and tomatoes now J
f.      Returned to Haggett, then left with Xin to an EE classroom with a big screen. Xin hooked up his computer and we tried to watch a movie—but Netflix didn’t trust the projector-computer connection. Xin debated pirating it, but worried about doing so over the university network. So we fired up HBO GO and watched Grand Budapest Hotel. Very impressive cinematography, but weird, nonsensical plot.

g.     Retired to Haggett. Ran into Issa and chatted for a bit. Returned to room and ate Nutella and oatmeal while reading Karenina. Checked email, etc. Wrote this log and hit the hay.

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