Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Monday Dec. 8

1.     Monday Dec. 8
a.     Woke up on the later side at 9:30, ate a granola bar, then headed out to the CSE building to practice for my interview. Got my lesson presentation down, then walked to the interview room. I waited outside for a few minutes, then was ushered in.
b.     Overall, I think I did quite well. They asked a few questions, then we did an IPL tutoring simulation where one of the interviewers pretended to be a struggling student. Other than a small mistake I made then caught, my math tutoring skills carried me through.
c.      I ran through my presentation, then left them to deliberate.
d.     Headed to the HUB, did some physics, ate lunch.
e.     Went back to the dorm, and decided to use the free afternoon not to study, but to take a trip to the local branch of the Seattle Public Library to get books for break. To this end, I printed out my Haggett billing paperwork as proof of residence and set forth.
f.      Walked to the library in a light drizzle through some of the more interesting terrain around the U.
g.     Got my card, checked out some interesting looking books.
h.     Returned to the dorm, dropped off the books, and sprinted like a madman to the CSE building, where I had read there was a colloquium on game theory and crowdsourcing labor from websites which sounded neat. However, when I burst into the auditorium, I found the audience all had Scantrons and #2 pencils and were busily working their way through a final. I excused myself in a hurry.
i.       Bummed that the colloquium was not happening, I reverted to the dorm and went through all my notes. I submitted a short application to get $250 in book-buying money.
j.       Then I settled down and studied for physics, then compsci.
k.     After some studying, I went to Badminton club. Attrition from finals had left open courts, which I gleefully inhabited for a good 2.5 hours. I played with two inexperienced players and one really good player, an interesting experience.
l.       Grabbed pizza at the HUB and took it up to my room, where I Skyped with Mom and Dad.

m.   Put away my notes, finally took a shower, wrote this log, and went to bed.

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