Saturday, October 31, 2015


  1. Highlight of the day: pwned my 312 midterm. Fast paced exam much like physics last year--used familiar mindset to bust through all the problems in time. 
  2. Other things that happened today: SPS halloween party! Watched a really cheesy sci-fi horror movie and played cards. Also, Will worked through a really confusing, interesting problem in 334 section, and I then got to ask him a follow-up question, which was neat. Lastly, bussed back to Bham! So good to be home! Had fun conversations with sisters, Mom, Dad; Secret was super glad to see me.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


  1. Highlight of the day: went out for Indian food with Peter from CSE after our midterm review. We talked for a long time, very interesting. Peter works for the central network operations department within the UW. His dad sounds like a crazy character, now R&D lead on the Oculus Rift (!). 
  2. Other things that happened today: hung out with Siri in the lounge, did math and grading. Ate lunch with Johan. Edited resume, went to career fair because John told me I should talk to a company called Indeed where he'd interned last year.. Got there just before the fair ended, had a short conversation, handed in my new resume. Pretty cool.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


1.     10/27/15
a.     Highlight of the day: philosophy of physics lecture. Interesting, fairly complicated argument, basically trying to understand various things that don’t have time symmetry (we know more about the past than the future, we can influence the future but not the past), in terms of a low-entropy state that the universe is constrained to be in sometime in the past, but not in the future. Had long discussion with Jacob and Jannel from the SPS afterwards; ate gyros.

b.     Other things that happened: put up lunchbox flyers, polygamy class degenerated into versions of happiness chair debate J, hung out in floor lounge with Siri trying to figure out what I should do for Halloween.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


1.     10/23/15

a.     Did lots and lots of grading today. Went to fun math review session for midterm on Monday, where we ended up discussing a fun puzzle from the 311 homework. Went on short run in the nature preserve, ate dinner with Winnie. Did a little basketball with Xin.


1.     10/21-22/15
a.     On Thursday, I tutored for physics again, which was cool. I also completed the math homework by a mere 3 in the morning. Other things that happened: lots of grading and long email threads struggling with the issue of how to grade, SPS meeting, Glee Club.
b.     Friday: Science Café! Showed up early to post directional flyers. Talked about general relativity and gravity in general, but specifically gravitational waves, how they get produced, what information they carry, the crazy LIGO apparatus that just came online to verify their existence. Very cool.

c.      Other things that happened: Played soccer with Siri and some Thai friends of his. Then ate dinner with Siri and ended up in long personal conversation.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


a.     Woke bright and early. Printed and posted lunchbox flyers. Worked on grading 311.
b.     No, stop! I don’t have time for the full day. The most fun thing that happened today was the CSE career fair, where I talked to companies, wrote code snippets, and generally had a good time without my resume in my shorts and t-shirt.

c.      Other things that happened today: Lots of 334 homework, again with the big group. Managed to solve a problem that others were struggling with, because of my solid geometric understanding of differentiation. Finally a solid contribution!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


1.     10/(15-19)/15
a.     Well, crud! It’s the 19th and I have some catching up to do. On Thursday the 15th, I had a good SPS meeting, talked with Frank while hanging up lots of flyers. Then I pulled an all-but-3-hours-nighter to finish up math homework. It was actually pretty fun (once I got past the initial “I’m not gonna finish” panic), because we worked in a big group, and I learned a lot from my classmates.
b.     On Friday, I turned in my 14-page math homework (ok, 7 pages double sided, but the problems were hard). Then I ran the first Physicists Together! It was pretty great. Only two new people showed up, but all the officers were there and we had an amazing time with the soccer ball, Frisbees, and football from my big bin of balls. Then, that evening, I went to Obscure Sports Seattle’s Friday Night dodgeball. We played some legit dodgeball. The court: this odd remnant from making tennis courts, which was thin enough to divide lengthwise into dodgeball halves. Then I skyped with Grace.
c.      On Saturday, well, first I slept in until noon. I went to the 8 with Xin and had myself some breakfast. I managed to run around the West Campus dorms sticking flyers on RAs’ doors on the Honors, Pre-Engineering, and Pre-Health floors, asking them where to put up SPS flyers. Then I hustled to DubHacks, where I got tons of swag, ate lots of really good free food (the amount of money floating around is insane) and stayed up until 3 trying to write a web crawler. Got back at 8 and kept working. I ended up not completing the crawler in time to integrate it with the app that Johan’s buddies Ben, Ronnie, and another Spencer (Johan had to leave for work) spent all night writing (they drank so many energy drinks), but I had fun reading through their code. In the end, we demoed this little grocery tracker that used a machine learning API to analyze photos of groceries and returned to the user lists of tags to choose and add to their fridge, or Iceboxx.
d.     Ok, that was most of Sunday too. After DubHacks on Sunday, I played some soccer in McMahon with Xin and crashed.
e.     Monday: Went to CSE career fair! Talked to some cool startups. Didn’t have a resume, but it was fun. Later I attended a Q&A with one really cool founder. He had some terrific stories to tell.
f.      Today: Almost lost my wallet! That was exciting. What else? Made Lunchbox flyers. Did tons of homework. Glee Club was fun. Went out with the floor for Rick’s, super fun. Dorm social stuff is definitely going smoother than last year. After that, I went to the McMahon courts with Siri and played some soccer.

g.     Still left this week: Lavin application. Prep for epic 334 midterm on Monday. Lots of HW. Grading circuit problem. I’m pushing through one step at a time. Wish me luck!!